Celebrating Suerk's Life

06 January 2010


I know my neglecting this blog has some followers wondering if Suerk is alright. Some of you have said so. I’m sorry I may have contributed to what’s already a healthy dose of worry for Suerk. He is doing quite well, all things considered. He thoroughly enjoys the holidays. He doesn’t get depressed. What he loves about this time of year is hearing from ‘his people.’ He thrives on the reports that come with the cards. During our Thanksgiving visit, Stephen and I cleared his bulletin board and surrounding wall of the cards from Christmas 2008, making way for the new mail which will probably remain until next year. That’s how he likes it. Remember, it’s important to use Suerk’s new address (posted on the right column of this page) when writing him. While mail sent to the home at 872 Hilltop will likely get forwarded, it will probably be delayed significantly.

There’s a lot to say about the process that’s going on around Suerk. Don Hill made mention of some of it in the note he wrote last summer. I have been answering the questions those remarks prompt as I am asked, but soon I will offer the details on this blog. Suerk agrees with this. I will begin next time by describing the unfortunate theft at the home on Hilltop Road Don mentioned -- a sad story with a not-so-sad ending.

Until then. . .

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