Celebrating Suerk's Life

10 March 2009

Turning 71

Suerk has been transferred to St. Vincent Hospital for a few days to receive treatment for pneumonia.  His nurse reassures me that they were using an abundance of caution in admitting him.  Without full use of his diaphragm, a condition that accompanies his paralysis, he is more susceptible to lung infection.  Hence the cautious intervention.  We expect him to be back in his room at the Western Reserve nursing home in a day or two.


Suerk turns 71 on the 31st.  I keep wondering how such milestones will impact his mood.  I anticipate hearing sadness in his voice when we talk.  I expect to find him suffering from depression.  Explain to me how a man who was active and fully mobile just eight months ago can adjust to life flat on his back, in a bed, in a nursing home, with a sense of self, a sense of dignity, without anger, and with a sense of humor.  I continue to be inspired.  So I expect on his 71st birthday, we will talk and laugh like we do on any other day.  We’ll share memories.  We’ll talk politics.  And I will be glad to have him still in my life, in part because he still manages to find some joy in living.


vinyrdgrl said...

Hey Matt,
I've been wondering how Suerk is doing. I actually just got a couple of books on CD to send him but wanted to clear then with you. The pneumonia is a great concern. Just went through that with my Dad who has been in the hospital for 5 weeks after a very bad car accident. I'll send up my mojo and prayers for Suerk.
Peg Raley

gaga said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUERK! I love you times at least double what we gave to AIG which means I love you a huge buttload! You continue to teach me every day and you are my inspiration and my heart!