Celebrating Suerk's Life

21 October 2008

A Note From Joanna Bush

I know what you mean about feeding Suerk, and it feeling quite uncomfortable at first... and the "rhythm" you fall into...'

But the thing that amazes me is Suerk's constant gentlemanly demeanor. The "please" before every bite... and the humor about the food!

Suerk has had a hard time dealing with the move, but he is forging ahead, and the transfer is set for 10AM on Tuesday, Oct. 21. Dave McChesney and I will be accompanying him on the trip. When we get there, I will try to find out how we can all communicate with him.

Keep him in your prayers, because the next two weeks I am sure will be especially hard.... new people, new routines, and very few friends at his bedside. I know that I will only be able to get there once a week... and some of his friends cannot even make the trip. It is about 2 and a half hours from Erie... so a trip there, time with Paul, and a trip back will take a good 6 hours... not easy to do when you have family demands of your own.

Stay in touch.

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