Celebrating Suerk's Life

08 September 2008

"Hey, Mateo, It's Suerk."

Sunday, 7 September

Stephen and I walked the dogs this morning. Our weekend walks are usually quiet and contemplative. Today's was no exception. I spent much of the walk working in my head how to describe Paul’s recent depression in this web log. He is depressed, but the essence of what makes Paul Suerken a uniquely wonderful force is still there. During that walk, my cell phone rang. I had leashes in my hands, so I ignored the phone and forgot about the ring until long after we had returned home. When I listened to the messages, this is what I heard:

“Hey Mateo, it’s Suerk. A little bit after 10am on Sunday morning. I’d like to talk to you today, of course. But I have, really, one important thing to say, and that’s this: You are blessed – blessed, blessed – with Stephen Boyd in your life. And that’s what I want to say. And we’ll talk soon. Thank you. Bye.”

And so he is depressed, of course. But he is spending his days contemplating and rejoicing in the relationships and the life that gave him, and still give him, so much life.

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